Friday, August 10, 2007

Shame on me

Shame on me for procrastinating on the IB extended essay! School's almost here, and my Microsoft Document file labeled "IB essay" is completely blank. I don't know what I'm doing...

But I'm making progress, or so I like to think. This week I went to the CSUF library and checked out a whole bunch of Picasso books, AND I'm reading this huge Picasso biography/artwork book I bought at Borders for only $20. I love Picasso. I love his style(s), his beautiful color choice, his quotes, his imagination. Okay that was kinda random. So, I know for sure that I'm going to change my topic, but what to? I don't want to write about Guernica.. it would be a lot easier, but I don't want to choose a topic that's too popular. Guernica is way too popular. Hmm.. I was thinking, how about if I point out the irony in Picasso's progression as an artist? I mean, Picasso started out as a traditional painter prodigy, and ended up drawing and painting like a child. I think that might be interesting... I can even mention some biographical info, like how his father was a painter and made him attend this strict art school that made him copy all the time.. and then as he grew up, he picked up his own style??

I DON'T KNOW, ARGH this is frustrating. I think I might just stick with talking about the Blue Period, and how maybe Picasso was influenced not only by his friend's suicide, but also by the collapse of the Spanish empire after its defeat in the Spanish American war?? HMM...

Hehe, well sorry for boring you with that, Byron! Anyways, today was another sister bonding day, and as usual, we went to Cinema City to watch a movie. After watching a bit of Harold and Kumar on TBS last night, my sister and I agreed to watch Stardust after seeing some of the trailers. It was surprisingly very good! I really like fantasy movies... so if you do too, WATCH IT!:) It's reminiscent of Hocus Pocus (with the whole Witch-getting-young thing) and Princess Bride, but I liked it. It's sad though, cuz the main character (actor) is not even on the movie posters but he's the MAIN CHARACTER!! All because he's not famous enough, I suppose... with Claire Danes and Robert De Niro AND Michelle Pfeiffer as part of the cast.. but still, that's kinda sad. He looks pretty girly but kinda cute. His name is Charlie Cox.


And here's the movie poster, which doesn't even mention his name.

OMG Robert De Niro was so hilarious as a pirate:) And Michelle Pfeiffer was pretty scary looking. Go watch it sometime!!

Yep yep... after that, we went to In N OUt, where we ate delicious hamburgers and fries. YUMMY. I think my appetite is growing because I was not satisfied with just a hamburger and fries. >< Then we went to Aaron Brothers and Michaels... bought nothing.

OHHHH yesterday, I went to the dentist and I got a B for brushing. Not bad (considering the fact that Denise is picky and strict about that kinda stuff)!! I still need to wear my retainers though :( They hurt so much whenever I put them on!
Hmm. Ohhhh I don't want summer to end. It's ending so soon!! I want to go on vacation though :). Byron, I dunno when we'll go to the zoo.. at least not during this summer. I will be gone from 19-23 and I still need to write IB paper and stuff. Maybe... on a day we have no school?

I don't want school to start......


byron said...

wahhh zoooooo.
i didnt even think about essay yet! ah!

byron said...

roar :(