Saturday, July 28, 2007

film galore

Today was a good day. Kinda boring in the morning, but at 3 I went to Sameen's house and met up with her, Janet, and Margo to discuss AEP. We have a reallyyyy good idea :) and I can't wait til the project starts. Byronieee. You have to join FBLA this year and join AEP, pleaseeeeeee:)

So basically, if you were wondering what AEP is, it stands for "American Enterprise Project", and it's one of FBLA's three major chapter projects. The goal of AEP is to spread awareness about American commerce and how it works.. basically, teaching others about business, economics, and industries. This year, our project is going to involve the movie industry.. teaching kids how to create and edit their own films (El Rancho kids hopefully... we are going to contact my ex-principal ASAP), and teaching them about the inner workings of the business in general. And after they're all done, we're going to organize a FILM FESTIVAL to showcase their videos, maybe get sponsors (movie theaters..) to donate so we can have raffles and such, and competitions (vote which movie is the best). All donations will go towards the National Blind Children's Society. Oh, and we're going to try to collaborate with Troy's film club.. since Sayak went to El Rancho and all, he might be willing to teach those little middle schoolers:)


After that, at around 7, the family along with three of my sister's friends went to Rowland Heights for chinese food. We ate muslim food. It was pretty good but I got a stomach ache in the middle.

And now it's 11 and I just got home after 10, and I'm going to take another ACT practice test!

1 comment:

byron said...

ill consider :p
last year i joined fbla but then...didnt really do anything ><.

i havent talked to you in so long aghhhhhhhhhhhh!
