Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Summer Reflections


So summer is halfway over, and it feels like it hasn't begun yet. Maybe it's because I'm stuck in a computer lab for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week working on my internship for school. Maybe because it's because instead of relaxing at the beach and shopping, I'm "trying" to study for upcoming SAT and ACT exams. Maybe it's the fact I have so many projects to complete that I haven't even started yet- ThinkQuest competition, websites for various businesses, design powerpoint for my FBLA advisor, etc. etc. etc. The list goes on. And on top of all that, I still need to begin my IB extended essay on the analysis of Pablo Picasso's The Old Guitarist and Woman with a Guitar. That's not all though. I need to begin the common app, build a list of colleges to apply to, and research all of them.

My summer's so busy, and yet I like it. Interning is not bad at all- it's actually fun. I'm currently doing in silico research at Cal State Fullerton with five of my good friends, so there's always someone to talk to, laugh with, and eat with. The research my partner and I are conducting is also rather interesting-- we're studying the inhibition of certain enzymes to create a drug that would slow the progression of Alzheimer's Disease. But my days aren't completely filled with work. I would explode from boredom if I were required to stare at the computer screen all day long. Instead, the six of us interns play cards (something I've become obsessed with this year), scream when we fall in Winter Bells, take more-than-an-hour lunch breaks, and more. It's actually a really good internship because I'm learning a lot about the research process, science in general, and having fun at the same time.

I lied when I said "instead of relaxing at the beach and shopping, I'm "trying" to study for upcoming SAT and ACT exams". I wish it were true. I've actually been shopping a lot lately and am planning a beach bonfire on the 30th with some friends. I can't wait. I should be studying for SATs, and if I plan to take it, the ACT. I still need to take SAT II Biology E/M (most likely ecology, but I'll see how that goes on testing day), Math IIC, and maybe SAT I :(. It sucks, but that's what I get for procrastinating and not taking SAT prep class.

I do have lots of projects to begin, but I'm excited for all of them. Janet and Margo asked me to help with AEP this year, so I'm going to meet with them one day and plan. Hopefully this year we can make it to state and nationals again:) I'm also excited about competing in ThinkQuest with Amy and Vicky. I've always wanted to compete, but I never really had the motivation and time. Now I'm just brainstorming ideas for our website and trying to find international webdesigners I can ask to join our team. Besides ThinkQuest, I'm really going to try to get a club passed this year for webdesign. I need to get ASB's approval first, so I don't know how it will turn out. Mark wanted me to join his Media Technology club (he said he'd make me Vice President of webdesign), but I'm afraid such a big club would make it hard for me to get my goals accomplished-- that is, to form a group of students who want to help Mr. Sutton with the Troy website, to help the elderly better understand the Internet, to encourage people to compete in website development and/or ThinkQuest, etc. Besides that, I need to meet with the FBLA board for next year, make websites for clubs, and do more research in my artbook. Maybe I'm stretching myself too thin with all these projects, but I'm not doing it to add another bullet to my resume, I actually like feeling "involved" at school and the community.

IB essay. Wow, I'm screwed. I have no idea what I'm doing. Hopefully the Troy library won't be closed and I can read some essays from last year or the year before.

And finally, college apps. To be completely honest, I'm really intimidated by the whole process. I've been reading some of the "what are my chances?" posts on, looking at the amazing stats of all these rising seniors I'm going up against. :( It also terrifies me to read about these students who had 2300+ SAT scores, decent extracurriculars, and valedictorian-status GPAs who still got denied admission. For me, I know whatever happens happens for a reason. Even if I don't get to, let's say- Yale (which is probably going to happen), that most likely means I wasn't meant to go there. Maybe going to the East coast isn't right for me, maybe I shouldn't go to such a competitive college (it'll be just another 4 years of stressful highschool experiences), maybe I'm better off at a UC, closer to home and my family. :D But still, I'm going to apply to these probably 12 schools:

UCs: Los Angeles, Berkeley, Irvine, and San Diego
Private Cali Schools: Stanford and Pomona
Out of state: U of Chicago, Princeton, Brown, Columbia, Yale, and Harvard

:( Yes, I'm going to be so busy this summer, but it's going to be a great one.

Things to look forward to:
-family vacation to somewhere up north (still in Cali), maybe to visit Stanford too
-beach bonfire
-surprise bday party this Friday
-zoo with Byron hopefully! maybe aquarium if it's too far.
-cue pics adventure with tiffany, stephanie, sameen, byron, and chris

Have a great night! I'm watching my favorite summer TV show now- So You Think You Can Dance!


byron said...

hola! crazy colleges. maybe we'll meet again in grad school because i'm too stupid to make those colleges! so we better enjoy our last yearrrrrrr :p

byron said...

zoo. definitely.