Monday, July 23, 2007

fruit punch and blisters

Today was very unproductive, but usually all days at internship are :P. Well, let's see what happened. I woke up early as always (tomorrow is the first day I can actually sleep in!!) and came to the lab at around 8:20ish. Then Byronieeee came, then Sameen, then Chris, then the twins (at like 10:00! slackers! jk). :D Then at around 11, everyone + efrem - twins went to Troy to turn in our 150 hour reports. We also asked whether AP psych would be offered next year to IB kids, but Mrs. Montoya, or whatever her name is, didn't know and told us to ask another counselor later. Then we went to check if the library was opened so we can read some IB extended essays, but it wasn't. Chris and Byron went in and suffocated from asbestos. JK! So we decided to go to lunch at KFC, and since I already brought my lunch, I just shared some potato wedges with Byron :D Me like potatoes. I think everyone knows that now. UHOH, I think I gained weight because the jeans I wore today were kinda tight. hmm, too much information. Then after lunch, we went back to school and talked to Mrs. Williams. She said she didn't know the whole situation involving AP psych, but Efrem saw his schedule, AP psych wasn't there!! So that means it wasn't on mine. After much thought, I decided to add AP Stats to my schedule, but now I'm not sure if it's the right choice for me. Math is now one of my weakest subjects (DUDE, I used to be so good at math in elementary school. I got this award AND my teacher said I was "ivy bound". Look at me now and laugh), and my sister even said that Rod was hard. And Tina, intelligent Tina, told me that she thought Trig was easier than Stats. And I almost got a B in Trig. Actually, I did get a B in Trig but Mrs. Roach rounded me up. So .. what to do? These are the classes I'm thinking of switching to:

1. AP Environmental Science- seems like an easy class, just memorization supposedly, which I'm good at.

2. IB Global Studies- I love history, I love culture, but I do not like essays and boring classes. Plus I don't need the IB credit.

3. free period. This is self-explanatory, but trust me it won't look good to colleges especially because I'm already in art class.

My other option is to take AP chemistry, but that would mean another miserable cycle of Mr. Wahl's freakishly difficult tests and hard to understand lectures. This would be a pain, but if Regli is teaching I might consider.

So, what should I do???

Anyways, after all that, Efrem, Sameen and I trekked back to CSUF, where we abandoned him and went to the library instead. But before we split to our separate ways, my feet were reallyyy hurting because of my stupid Seventeen flipflops (that's what I get from wearing magazine brand shoes), so I took them off and walked barefoot. Little did I know, the ground was freaking hot... so I jumped and ran and found refuge when I reached the cool grass. BUT suddenly, I saw a humungo bee on the grass, so I ran a little more, but then I reached the pavement again. I sighed and put back my shoes, trying not to touch the sides, where two blisters were forming on my poor little feet. However, by the time they were starting to hurt some more, Sameen and I had already reached the library, and I was safe to take off my shoes. :) We then checked our email and saw that Dr. K responded. I think we ask her too many questions and she never understands what we mean. Oh well. Then we went to the tables and took a nap. I combined two big arm chairs and made a bed. I woke up incredibly thirsty, called my mom, but only received the answering machine. I was disappointed. Hey, I was really thirsty because my orange juice expired so I didn't really have much to drink. :P SO yeah, then Sameen let me borrow change so I bought a fruitpunch. We then traveled back to the science building and re-refined several of our compounds on ICM. Then I went home, and now I'm here, about to read some Harry Potter.

WOW, I write a lot.


byron said...

"UHOH, I think I gained weight because the jeans I wore today were kinda tight. hmm, too much information."
haha :p
you should take stats!!!
it's much easier than trig.
i never studied but i crammed 5 minutes before a test
a few formulas and you're set! :D
except i don't know what i did at the end of second semester but that was because of other reasons. go stats!!! or ib global so you can be with me! yay. (maybe) hm..... i'm uploading pictures :p muahahaha. okay. talk to you online potato lover. :p

byron said...

aw poor feet :(
haha i noticed your orange juice was bad
but if if didnt taste bad it should be fine!
but i dont drink anything after the date b/c as you heard in my story....i don't seem to be able to tell when something is bad :p
or i just like alcohol haha.
enjoy hp7!

LalaLiu said...

nerd. once again!

LalaLiu said...

just kidding

no. nevermind.

LalaLiu said...

i like nerds!