Wednesday, July 25, 2007

?? I don't know.

I'm tired.

Like, really tired. From everything I've been doing today. I just want to rest.

Today was boring and consisted of mainly finishing the college app essay I started a while back, the one which I talk about my experiences in physics. After spending like at least two hours writing it, in the discomforts of my humid, non-airconditioned room, I realized that it was getting pretty lengthy. 1700+ words, 14000+ characters, and 5 pages, 1.5 spaced. Well.. they didn't have a maximum. Only a 250 word minimum. But then I asked people on collegeconfidential, and they said 500 should be ideal and I should keep it under a page. A PAGE? Now I'm very mad. That after spending all that time when I could've been doing something else, I have to start over again.

I hate collegeapps.

Yes, that's the only thing that happened today. Well, other than So You Think You Can Dance, which was on tonight. It was a pretty good episode, but I was still preoccupied with my essay. ;___; And now, I'm looking at the huge list of things I have yet to complete-- the stupid IB essay which I have no clue to begin, my SAT studying, and everything in between.

I'm tired of it all.
Isn't it supposed to be summer?

1 comment:

byron said...

dang you're so productive :(
i suck. oh well!
i see you tomorrow i thinK! yayyyyyy!!!!!! okay you signed off without confirmation. i'll take that as a yes. i want to watch Music and lyrics! ya! okay see you soon :p